1. Participant/Vehicle

Three and four-wheel vintage cars manufactured before 1975 and regularly registered are eligible for participation. The vehicles must be in their original condition and satisfy the provisions of road traffic laws. The following documents are required: driver's license / car registration book according to the national regulations of the country of origin, a document showing the cars's year of construction (not teh registration date) and valid insurance paper.

> in supplement 10 vintage cars with year of manufacture up to 1985
> all vehicles manufactured before 1965 will be given a guaranteed slot on the entry list!

2. Vehicle categories

1 Cat I until 1945
2 Cat II 1946 – 1965
3 Cat III 1966 – 1985

Entries can be taken into consideration on a limited basis. In order to guarantee the technical and historical diversity of the event, only two vehicles per type will be admitted.

The finale division of the vehicles into categories is reserved to the organizer in the light of the registrations. If a category has less than five vehicles, it can be included in another category or if there are too many vehicles in a category it can be devided further into a subcategory. Each car must be occupied by two people. The participation of other passengers depends on the availability of seats in the vehicle.

3. Scoring

The following scoring will be used in the Südtirol Classic Schenna:

  • Single score per category
  • Total score
  • Crew score: 3 teams make a crew. The crew can register at the latest at the check-in. Participants of all categories can register for team classification. The vehicle must be constructed within1985.

4. Prizes

The following prizes are assigned:

  • 1st to 3rd place in categories with more than 4 participants
  • 1st to 3rd place for crews
  • 1st to 3th place for total score
5. Starting numbers

For vehicles up to 1945 (Ancêtre, Vétéran, Vintage and Post Vintage), the start numbers are given as usually, after construction years. For vehicles of the years of construction 1946- 1985 (Post I to Post IV), the numbers are assigned by the organizer considering an interesting variety in the brands and classes.

6. Course of the Südtirol Classic Schenna

The Südtirol Classic Schenna is a demanding tourist event with time trials and passage controls. It ist highly recommended to carry along at least one stopwatch (twin, trip master and watches of any kind). Please note that for the scoring trials no high-tech instruments such as computer, satellite navigator or else are allowed. During the whole event, technical checks can be mad on all vehicles. The relevant ”road book” with all the information is given to the participants at the moment of the presentation of the vehicle documents at the race office.

The driver must hold a valid driving licence; it is possible to change the driver during the race, provided that also the other person holds a valid driving licence.

Each vehicle must show its starting number in a visible position on the side and the front of the vehicle. It is forbidden to cover the car number plate.

The average speed of the trials is 20-40 km/h. The timing ist calculated to the tenth of a second. Penality points are assigned for divergences (1 penalty point each tenth of a second; max. 500 penalty points each time trial).

7. Traffic Regulations

The participants are subject to the road traffic laws of the Italian Republic. Said laws must always be complied with during the whole course of South Tyrol Classic. All the participants shall drive at their own risk and they alone are responsible for the roadworthiness of their vehicles. Important: according to the Italian low drivers are obliged to switch on the lights also during day time.

8. Protests

Protests must be submitted in written form within the following dates:

> time controls from wednesday within thursday 8 am
> time controls from thursday within friday 8 am
> time controls from friday within saturday 8 am
> time controls from saturday within saturday 3 pm

9. Waiver of Liability

At the moment of their entry the participants (contenders, drivers, co-drivers, vehicle-possessors and legal owners) renounce the right to proceed or to file recourse against

  • the organizers, its representatives, judges, and assistants
  • authorities and any person involved in the organization of the event in case of accidents or damage suffered during th event.

The organizer reserves the right to exclude participants from the race in case of severe breaches of the rules and/or of the road traffic regulations.

10. Media, Internet

With their names all participants give their consent to the organization committee for the release of their data to the media as well as for the publication on the Internet, for the purposes related to the event and they will not enter a protest against the organization committee or the media disclosing their data.

11. General

The Südtirol Classic Club/Schenna Tourist Office reserve the right to undertake any alteration and/or to cancel the event owing to measures ordered by the relevant authorities, force majeure or to safety reasons, should said measures be required by extraordinary circumstances. In said cases the Südtirol Classic Club/Schenna Tourist Office are not liable for the compensation of any eventual claim for damage. This agreement ist valid as of the entry into the event for all participants.

12. Entries/Entry forms

The entries with the relevant entry form are to be sent to the following address:

Südtirol Classic Club
Tourismusbüro Schenna
Erzherzog Johann Platz 1/D
I-39017 Schenna

Tel. 0039 0473 945669
E-mail: info@suedtirolclassic.com

Please send the form completely filled in and signed by the participant. Please enclose the entry form an up-to-date color photo of your vehicle. Is there an interesting story about your car? Please let us know. The information on yourself and your vehicle can be used by the organizers, the event speaker and the public at the start to make public your participation and to render our passion for classic car events as transparent as possible.

The deadline for entry is March 31, 2025, 7.00 p.m.

The number of participating vehicles is limited: to 120 for the rally, to 40 cars for the cultural warming-up programme.

The final selection of the participants will be carried out by the committee in accordance to automobile history criteria. The older vehicles will be given absolute priority. The refusal of a vehicle is non-appealable.

The notification of the acceptance of the entry will be sent by mid April 2025, so that participation in the event and the journey can be timely organized.

13. Cancellation policy

The entry fee is only refunded in full in case of non-acceptance of the entry or cancellation of the event by the organiser. 

In case of cancellation of participation by the participant, the following cancellation charges apply:
> within June 6th 2025, the organizer will refund the entry fee less a handling fee of 200,00€
> from June 7th 2025, the organizer will grant a refund equal to 50% of the entry fee
> from June 15th 2025, the organizer will grant a refund equal to 25% of the entry fee
> from June 22th 2025 onwords, no refund will be granted

In order to avoid any inconvenience, we recommend taking out a travel cancellation insurance policy

14. Acceptance

All vehicles are subject to technical controls before the start. In case of substantial deviations or deficiencies, the vehicle will be excluded from the event.
The presentation of the documents and the vehicle is scheduled for July 9th, 2025 from 9.00 am to 04.00 pm. The driver must be present at the moment of the technical control. After the technical control the following documents are to be submitted:

  1. Confirmation of entry
  2. Valid driver’s license
  3. Vehicle registration documents
  4. Insurance

15. Parking

The participants can park their vehicles for free in the Raiffeisenkasse Schenna multi-story car park. The parking area will be manned by security on a 24 hour basis, from 9.00 am of Wednesday 9th July until 2.00 pm of Sunday 13th July 2025.

16. Trailers

For organisational reasons we would be grateful if you could notify us if you intend to arrive with a trailer (see registration form).

The official trailer parking area is located at the parking area of the parking area of Merano 2000 Ropeway valley station.

Meran 2000 Seilbahnen AG
Via Val di Nova, 37, 39012 Merano BZ